BathHome and Garden

Best Bath Chair For Elderly: Restore Your Dignity And Independence

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Aging is one of the inevitable realities of life. As you grow older, you come at a point in life where you need help for several day-to-day tasks. While depending on others for some of these tasks is okay, it isn’t for some others.

For instance, we all want to shower and go to the bathroom on our own. But aching joints and weakness can make that difficult.

What is the right solution?

Bath Chairs.

Bath chairs allow the support and stability that the elderly need in the shower. They may sound like simple products, but there are many things to consider before you get one. This article will tell you everything you need to know to get the perfect elderly bath chair.

Four Questions You Need To Ask Yourself When You Are Choosing Bath Chairs For Elderly

As mentioned before, choosing bath chairs is not as simple as it sounds. You just cannot miss out on some key aspects. If you have invested in these before, you are probably aware of these aspects. But in case you are not, here are the four most important questions that you need to ask yourself before investing in a bath chair.

What Size Chair Do I need?

The size of the chair is the most critical consideration that you should make. You need a chair that you can fit on, and do so comfortably. It is essential to be comfortable because if you’re not, a product that was supposed to bring you ease will just bring you discomfort. But you must not forget that the chair should also be able to fit into your shower. Therefore, it needs to be the perfect combination of the two.

How Much Weight Will It Need To Bear?

Not all bath chairs have the same degree of sturdiness. While some of them can bear more weight, others fail to do so. You need to take into consideration your weight, and see if the product you’re considering is compatible according to it. If it is, then you may continue; if not, you need to find another one. Choosing a product that isn’t capable of bearing your weight is just unsafe.

How Much Can I Afford To Spend On It?

While many chairs would fit your needs, not all of these products will fit your budget. Considering such products will only lead to the wastage of time and money. Therefore, it is better that you find products that fit within your budget.

How Long Will I Use It?

Durability is a crucial factor when considering bath chairs. If you want a chair for temporary use, you may pick one that isn’t very durable. But if you need a bath chair for long-term use, then you must remember to make absolutely no compromises on the durability.

The Best Bath Chairs For Elderly Available On The Market:

We hope that you now understand well what things to consider before you buy a bath chair for the elderly. And with that, we can now move on to finding the right one for you.

Here is a list of bath chairs that we found to be the best amongst all others on the market. We have reviewed each of them so you can decide which one you want to invest in better.

1) Azadx Bath Chair

Of all the products that we saw on the market, this one simply topped the list. This bath chair has all the features one can need. From design to quality, it excels in all aspects, leaving no room for disappointment.

The best part about this chair is its adjustability. The height-adjustable legs of this chair ensure that you can bring it to a comfortable height. What also adds comfort to your shower is its leather-bound seat. Not only is the design ideal for a prolonged seating time, but it is also wide enough to provide you with sufficient seating space, ensuring your comfort.

What we also love about this chair is how safe it is. The A-frame design of this chair has a sturdy built that can bear weight with excellent strength. Furthermore, it has extra strong suction cups at the end of the legs for that extra bit of security. So place it where you want, in the bathroom or even in the bathtub, and you can rest assured that you’ll be safe.

There is still a lot more that this seemingly simple bath chair has in store for you. These include easy assembly, a pinch-free design, and a side-arm that can be fixed on either side. With all these features, what is there to not love?


  • A high-strength aluminum body that ensures security and an excellent weight-bearing capability
  • An easy-to-assemble product that requires no tools for its assembly
  • Features a height-adjustable design that can be adjusted by ½-inch increments
  • Ideal for day-to-day use, without any wearing
  • Extra strong suction cups to maintain stability and keep you safe


  • Size may be too big to fit in small bathtubs
  • Has a handle only on one side

2) Drive Medical Premium Series Shower Chair

If you have invested in products by Drive Medical, you will probably be aware of the high quality that they have to offer. Each aspect of their products is well-considered, resulting in a perfect unit from first to last. This premium shower chair is the perfect example of the excellence that their products provide.

The top feature of this bath chair has to be its most essential component, the seat. While it may look like just a flat surface, it provides the best comfort and support. This seat can fit individuals of all sizes, and that too with the utmost ease.

It also has a backrest with an ergonomic design to provide you the ideal rest for your back. The arms on both sides of the chair ensure that you get the best support and stability during your shower.

Using this chair is extremely easy. You can assemble and disassemble it with great convenience. You can remove and attach the legs and back without any tools at all. This makes storing and moving a lot easier. What also makes it a lot more portable is its lightweight design.

The low weight of this product is due to the material used. It is made out of premium quality plastic that can bear up to 350 pounds. And do not worry, the plastic construction does not make it unsafe. The rubber non-slip feet end of this chair only further adds to its safety.


  • Easy adjustability that allows increments of 1\2-inch in height without any tool
  • Features a visible height indicator that makes accurate adjustments a lot easier
  • Comfort seat is a perfect fit for just about anyone
  • Back, arms and legs feature tool-free removal that makes storage easier
  • Lightweight design makes the chair easily portable
  • Ends of the feet feature non-slip rubber ends for an extra mile of safety
  • Designed out of premium plastic that can bear up to 350 pounds


  • Plastic isn’t very durable and won’t last for long
  • The back may come off during use

3) Drive Medical Shower Chair With Back

Liked the previous product? Here is another one by Drive Medical. This one, too, is ideal for the elderly with all the features that one requires. It differs in design, but the quality is the same as that offered by the last product. This bath chair is designed to be a lot more simple but does the job.

What we love about this chair are its legs. We know every chair has legs, but the design and functionality featured on this chair simply beat those on every other. They are slightly angled, which is something you won’t see in a lot of chairs. This slight angulation makes these chairs a lot more stable, allowing them to provide more security.

Furthermore, the ends of these legs feature suction style ends that add further stability. And that is not all. These legs can also be adjusted. You can change the chair’s height with 1-inch increments until you’ve found a perfectly comfortable position.

Also, the unique design of this seat goes perfectly well with the unique design of the legs. The seat is slightly curved. This curvature provides you with great comfort even after a prolonged seating time.

What’s more, this seat has no arms, but the sides can extend with the handles on either side. These handles have an ergonomic design that makes them convenient to hold on to and provide a good grip.

The seat and backrest of this chair are designed with top-quality plastic that can easily bear up to 400 pounds. The rest of the frame is designed with aluminum. This choice of material makes the chair highly resistant to corrosion as well as lightweight, providing you with the right level of support in the shower.


  • Seat designed to be broad to fit individuals of all size
  • Top-quality plastic an hold up to 400 pounds of weight
  • The aluminum frame has a sturdy design and ideal support
  • Backrest and seat with a curved design ensure maximum comfort
  • Allows adjustment of height with increments of 1 inch
  • Suction style tips of the legs add stability to the design of the chair
  • Handles on either side of the seat allow better support


  • Features no arms
  • The wide design of the seat may make it hard to fit in the tub

4) Carex Bath Seat

We have all heard about how the most straightforward products are the best ones. It is products like this bath chair that make that saying true. This bath chair features a straightforward design with nothing extra, but its simple features help to achieve absolute perfection.

Let’s talk about the seat of this chair first. It is a flat seat that is designed wide enough to allow perfect use for just about anyone. It is created out of top-quality materials and can bear up to 400 pounds with no risks of breakage. The edge of this seat isn’t straight like most seats. Instead, it has a wavy design that makes your legs a lot more comfortable. It also has handles on either side that can provide extra support for the user.

Now we move on to the legs. The legs on this chair may seem to be ordinary, but they are not. These patented, exact-level height-adjustable legs are ideal for all those that are very particular about their chairs’ height. These unique legs make it easy to adjust the height according to your need with tiny increments that provide you with the exact height that you need.

And if you are done using the chair and want to put it away, you can just disassemble it by removing the back and legs without using any tools.

What we love about this simple chair is its size. It is neither too big, not too small. It is big enough to fit about anyone, and its frame supports the weight as well. But at the same time, it isn’t big enough for users to complain that it doesn’t fit in their small bathroom. It can even fit in bathtubs with great ease.


  • Extremely precise height adjustability that requires no tools
  • Legs and back can be taken apart, just by using hands
  • Capable of bearing weights up to 400 pounds easily
  • Ideally sized to fit in bathrooms and bathtubs
  • Easy disassembling allows convenient storage of the product when not in use
  • Seat features a handle on both sides for more significant support


  • Taking off the back may be a little tricky
  • A little heavier than other similar products

5) Essential Medical Supply Bath Chair

Essential Medical Supply is yet another brand known to provide various kinds of shower chairs for multiple purposes. This product is undoubtedly one of its best. Its overall design and build quality simply make it better than most other standard bath chairs in the market.

What we like is that this chair comes in two different styles. One is with a back, and one is without it. While a backrest may seem essential in a bath chair, it isn’t. Most of the elderly that use this would opt for the style with a backrest. But bath chairs are used by several other people that may not need it. So instead of paying more for a feature that they do not need, they could just opt not to pay for it at all.

The seat is broader than that of most other chairs that you will find on the market. You can get an estimate of how wide the seat is with the fact that the arms on either side have a distance of almost 18 inches between them. This width allows this chair to be the perfect fit for everyone. What’s more, is that the seat itself features small holes. The size of these holes isn’t big enough to cause discomfort for the user, but big enough to prevent water build-up.

This bath chair has a long list of features, but what makes it worthy of being on this list is its sturdy framework. The frame is ideally designed to ensure the best stability and features the right choice of material. Made with aluminum, this chair is very lightweight, yet possess high strength. This strength allows it to bear weights up to 300 pounds.

Furthermore, the frame is anodized to ensure that it isn’t weakened by corrosion over time.


  • Arms, legs, and the back can be disassembled for easy and convenient storage
  • Features a lightweight design that makes the product easily portable
  • Can be adjusted between 16 inches to 20 inches with 1-inch increments, allowing high precision
  • Texturized seat offers friction that prevents slipping
  • Width of the seat makes it ideal for individuals of all sizes
  • The anodized frame ensures prevention of corrosion even after a long span of use
  • Holes in the seat allow drainage of water without any discomfort
  • Padded arms provide great comfort to the user


  • Assembly and disassembly requires tools
  • A little more expensive than other similar products

6) Health Massage Bath Chair

Health Massage has for you another bath chair that excels in design, quality, and functionality. It is designed to meet all your needs, ensuring there are no complaints. This high-end bath chair is one of the best, considering all the great features that it has to offer for its users

This bath chair is not a standard one; it is imported from Germany. The advanced machinery and techniques involved in its production ensure a safe and comfortable product that is above all other local products. Right from the first glance, you can tell it apart from other standard bath chairs.

Another thing that makes it stand apart is its color. This bath chair is available in a bright blue and white design that stands apart from all standard white chairs we have seen so far. If you feel the blue is too bright for you, you can choose to invest in a white and gray alternative.

One of the most significant features of this product is the convenience that it allows. The legs, arms, and back can be removed or put together. And the task requires no tools at all, taking up no more than a couple of minutes.

What makes its use further convenient is the adjustability of its legs. Being adjustable with tiny increments, the chair allows you to position it right according to your needs. You can set it anywhere between 16.1 inches and 21.3 inches.

And just like any perfect bath chair, this product is extremely comfortable to use. The seat is not only designed to be wide for a good fit for everyone but has a slight curvature in the center instead of being flat. This curvature makes the seat comfortable even when if you have to stay seated for long. The backrest is similarly curved for further comfort.

The seat of this chair is as sturdy as it is comfortable. With its exceptional design, it has the capability of bearing up to 300 pounds of weight.


  • Designed out of anodized aluminum to provide a corrosion-resistant framework
  • Designed and produced in Germany out of top-quality materials that ensure durability and reliability
  • Recommended for weights up to 300 pounds
  • Assembly is easy, quick, and requires no tools at all
  • Lightweight design that makes the product easily portable
  • Features padded armrests for extra comfort of the user
  • Holes in the seat prevent water from building up
  • Easy and precise adjustability of the legs


  • A little more costly than other bath chairs
  • May not be able to fit in small bathtubs

7) Nova Medical Bath Chair

Nova Medical Products has mastered designing products that aid individuals with the support and help they need. This bath chair very well portrays how good the brand is at including all the necessary and extra features into a single product, ensuring customer satisfaction and comfort.

Like most products listed above, this chair, too, allows quick assembly that anyone can handle. It requires no tools at all. But what’s more is that it requires no strength either. Assembling this chair is as easy as pushing a button. With just a snap, you can have the chair put together. And taking the parts off is just as easy. A push of a button is all it takes.

This chair has ample of comfort and support to offer for its users. It assists with the help of its sturdy framework that is made out of top-quality materials. Nova Medical keeps the safety of its customers as its top priority. This is why they use materials highly resistant to corrosion and provide the best of durability and reliability.

Users can find better support from the armrests placed on either side of the seat. Not only do they prevent the elderly from slipping towards the side, but they also offer sufficient support for them to get up and sit down safely.

The combination of blow-molded plastic and the rust-proof aluminum that is used for its production makes the product durable and allows it to be extremely lightweight and sturdy at the same time. This design can bear weights up to 350 pounds with great ease and can be taken anywhere with no problem at all.


  • A unique hygienic design that allows users to clean more easily in the shower
  • Padded armrests and curved backrest provide greater comfort for users
  • Tool-free assembly takes no time at all and requires just the push of a button
  • Blow-molded plastic and aluminum construction to ensure ideal durability
  • Legs feature skid-resistant rubber tips that add safety to the design
  • Drainage holes on the seat to stop water from building up
  • Ideal for bearing weight up to 350 pounds


  • Height of the seat is not adjustable
  • Buttons for assembly may be a little tacky

8) Vaunn Medical Bath Chair

Just because this product shows up last on this list does not mean it is any lesser than the others. It is just as good as any other on the list, if not better. It is, just like others, packed with all the right features that make any bath chair a perfect one.

This bath chair is an upgrade from the previous products that Vaunn has produced and put up on the market. It is designed to provide users with a higher level of durability and security that we all seek. The aluminum utilized in the construction is not any ordinary aluminum. It uses heavy-duty anodized aluminum that is highly resistant to corrosion. This allows the bath chair to be good as new, even after being used for a long time.

The seats of this chair are not designed out of aluminum since that would be uncomfortable and dangerous. Instead, it is made out of a high-density polyethylene material that is known for the comfort that it offers. The product also shows anti-bacterial properties that make the seat unquestionably good for your health and safe to use. On either side of the seat are padded armrests for a higher level of comfort.

Both the kind of materials used in this bath chair add support to its design, all the while keeping it lightweight, and allow easy portability. The combination of these two properties is what makes this product deserve a place on this list.


  • All the parts of the seat can be taken apart in no time without using any tools
  • Rubbered ends of the legs feature suction ends that provide stability
  • Size of the seat is perfect for individuals of all sizes
  • Padded armrests provide a higher degree of comfort
  • Weighing just 6 pounds, the chair is incredibly easy to store and move
  • Designed out of top-quality materials that ensure a longer life


  • More expensive than other products
  • Can carry only 200 pounds, which is less than other products on the list


Are Bath Chairs Just For The Elderly?

While this article highlights bath chairs that are ideal for the elderly, others can use them too. Bath chairs are handy products that are very versatile. Many different people can use them for various reasons. Here are some other individuals who may find a bath chair useful.

Patients With Joint Problems:

While joint issues are common with the elderly, the two are mutually exclusive. Several joint conditions affect people of younger ages as well. Polio is one such example. If the joint problems that an individual experiences involve those of the lower joint, then standing in the shower may be an issue. A bath chair is perfect for such individuals.

Individuals Suffering Trauma Or Recovering From A Surgery:

Trauma to your lower limbs can make showering a hard task since it can make standing painful. The same is true for anyone that is recovering from surgery involving the lower half of the body. Such individuals should avoid standing too much to promote healing. So, they may need a bath chair for the period of their recovery.

Disabled Individuals:

Patients handicapped due to an accident or any other medical condition also need support and stability in the shower. While using a wheelchair to go anywhere else may be convenient, the same can’t be used in the shower. A bath chair is, therefore, a perfect option for them to allow more comfortable bathing.


Bath chairs are useful products that can be used for many people for several reasons. The elderly need a few specific features in their bath chairs that can allow more significant support that they need. There are a lot of products that provide users with these features. All you need to do is find one that fits your needs perfectly.